Directed draws are a love of my teacher life, and these Winter directed draws for kids are everything. Step-by-step directions to walk kids through drawing eight winter designs, including a fox, snowman, bear, umbrella, igloo, and more!

Winter directed draws for kids are “snow” much fun
The step-by-step directions in directed draws allow even the youngest artists to create incredible pieces!
I absolutely love, love, love hearing shrieks of, “Whoa! LOOK WHAT I MADE!” and “This looks like a real fox!” It’s the sweetest, and we take any opportunity to build kids’ confidence (especially in art).
Directed draws are an easy win. They’re guided lessons where everyone is a winner when they’re done. There will never be enough words to share how much we love these.
Related: Check out our complete collection of directed draw sets for fun all year long.
Winter directed draws are fun home and classroom use
Whether you’re doing this project at home with one kid, 12 kids, or with an entire classroom, they always work.
The 45-page guide can be printed off for kids to do independently, but you can also use it digitally.
In the classroom, I love standing at an easel or whiteboard, modeling each step at a time, and watching the kids create their masterpieces step-by-step. At home, I love printing off the guides and letting kids create independently, too. Seriously – there’s no limit to how to use these!
Looking for more drawing activities for kids? Check these favorites out:
- Easy Snowflake Art with Blue Tape
- Colored Insta-Snow
- Window Cling Printmaking
- Winter Sensory Bin for Preschoolers
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The materials for directed draws should never, ever hold you back from creating. The step-by-step guides are black line drawings and can be recreated with materials as basic as white paper and a pencil.
But, of course, your materials could also be as fancy as you want!
My go-to materials are below, but honestly, – paper and ANY drawing materials (ex: pencil, crayons, makers) are as basic as you need.
What are directed drawings good for?
Everything in the world!
I kid, I kid.
Directed draws are good for guiding kids through drawing designs that they might otherwise have difficulty drawing independently. For example, drawing a fox is tricky! But, when you have a guide that shows you what to draw first, then second, then third…until you have a completed drawing, it is absolute joy.
They are also good for kids to follow a sequence of events! By following the guides, they learn to follow an intentional order and to create a product piece by piece. You can’t really “skip” a step, and following the logical order of events translates into other applications, too (ex: you can’t dry your hands before you wash them).
What is included in this set?
- 8 step-by-step guides: Learn to draw a fox, umbrella, mug of hot cocoa, igloo, bear, penguin, ice skates, and a snowman,
- 3 full-color photos for each design: Kids can observe what the image looks like in real life, too.
- Sample photos: See each design created with various supplies, techniques, and colors to get ideas on different ways to create each design.
You can print the packet off and use a physical copy, or you can use it all digitally on a computer, laptop, tablet, etc.
Winter directed draws are a love of my life
I absolutely cannot WAIT to see your creations! People often share their kids’ art with us on Instagram, and I become a puddle of mush every single time.
What design are you going to make first?
No. You CAN print off the packet, but you can just as easily use it digitally.
We use these with our 2.5-6 year old preschoolers, but people often use these with with their early elementary kids, too.
Umbrella, fox, igloo, ice skates, penguin, bear, snowman, and a mug of hot cocoa.